Overview of Governance
Governance at the Trust focuses on making sure that we're clear about what we want to achieve and that our leadership teams are appropriately held to account for working with our staff across the Trust to make it happen. It's also key that the Trust continues to meet all of the expectations that the Department for Education and other government departments have of academies; our governance framework helps us to do this.
Communication between the various levels of governance described within this section is key. Members, Trustees and Local Academy Governors work hard to share information and provide clarity about where responsibilities sit, whether they are at Trust Board level or have been delegated to our local academy committees.
All of these roles are voluntary and we're very grateful for the significant commitment that all of the people involved, at every level of governance, make to the work of the Trust.
If you'd like to find out more about any of these roles please do get in touch. This section of the website includes further information about the themes displayed opposite.