Fishermead Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK6 2LB

01908 312244


The policies below have been approved by the Trust Board and are applied to each school in the Trust. For some of these policies some content may be added to reflect the local context of the school, where this is the case the relevant school website will include a school specific version of the Trust approved policy.

Statutory Policies

Accessibility Plans - please refer to our school websites to access information regarding admission arrangements

Admissions - please refer to our school websites to access information regarding admission arrangements

Behaviour and Discipline Policy

Charging and remissions

Child Protection and Safeguarding - please refer to our school websites to access school specific information linked to this policy

Complaints Policy

Data Protection

Early Career Teacher (ECT) Induction Policy

Equality Objectives Monitoring

Equality Statement


EYFS - please refer to our school websites to access information regarding admission arrangements

First Aid - please refer to our school websites to access information regarding admission arrangements

Governors Allowances

Health and Safety Policy

Managing Allegations and low level concerns linked to staff

Premises Management

Relationships and Health Education

Special Educational Needs

Staff Capability

Staff Code of Conduct

Staff Disciplinary Procedure

Staff Grievance Procedure

Supporting children with medical conditions - Schools to add relevant local details