Fishermead Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK6 2LB

01908 312244

Traded services


We offer a range of services that local schools can buy into. The table below outlines a variety of training, advice and support that we can offer. We've included some indicative costs to provide a sense of likely costs, the reality is that schools will typically blend different elements together and  when we develop a bespoke programme a final quote will recognise how these different elements  fit together. 


If you are interested in working with us to develop a programme that meets your needs please get in touch with our CEO, Phil Webster at

Traded Offer

Description Costs
Headteacher Performance Management The effective management of a Headteacher's performance will ensure that a culture of continuous professional development and school improvement is established within a school's culture.

Annual review/target setting £495

Review/target setting + mid year review with HT £650

Review/target setting + termly reviews with HT £795

School Improvement Cycle

Working with a school's strategic leaders and governors to evaluate strengths and identify development areas in their school.

An effective school improvement system will ensure that school leaders know what is working well, why and what needs to improve.

Single whole day visit to review key documents - SEF and SDP £500

Half termly half day School Improvement visits including review of key docs £1,500

Whole day initial review with half termly half day follow up visits £2,000

Leadership Training Leadership training is designed with the Headteacher in order to meet their school's specific needs - e.g. Leading and Developing a Team, Leadership Behaviours, Servant Leadership and Values based Leadership

Twilight session up to 1.5 hrs £250

Half Day workshops £500
Whole Day workshops £750

School Reviews A school review involves looking more deeply at a single focus area at all levels throughout the school. A review will typically involve wider leadership layers such as subject leads and are an opportunity to explore whether the school's intent has been fully realised in the implementation and impact. 1 Day Whole School Review - £300-500 per person on the review team (depending on seniority)
SEN review

Working with the school’s SEND team and governor to evaluate strengths and identify development areas within the school

An effective inclusion policy will reassure the school leaders of what is working well and what needs to improve

Single whole day visit to review key documents - £500

Termly half day School Improvement visits including review of key docs £750

Whole day initial review with termly half day follow up visits £1,250

Financial support and reviews Working with a school’s finance teams and governors to evaluate strengths and identify developments and plan for the support into the future

Single day visits £500

Further visits to be costed to reflect the scale of follow up support that is likely to be required

Safeguarding Training and support

Working with a school's strategic leaders and governors to evaluate strengths and identify development areas in their school.

An effective school safeguarding system will ensure that school leaders know what is working well and why and what needs to improve

Half termly half day School Improvement visits including review of key docs £1,500

Whole day initial review with termly half day follow up visits £2,000

Twilight session up to 1.5 hrs £295

Half Day/Whole Day training £450/£800

Trust Partnership agreements

If you are thinking of joining a trust but want a broader ‘try before you buy’ approach the GUP is able to set up a partnership agreement with the school.

Given that these agreements represent an investment in exploring a potential longer term relationship between the school and the trust the rates outlined in this document will not apply.